πŸ“½οΈ z AV-based AI Synthesis

πŸ“½οΈ Audio Video-based AI Synthesis Guide

πŸ’‘ Audio & Video Synthesis Software

Models & LoRA's on Civitai🌐 Download Image Diffusion ModelsLink (opens in a new tab)
AUTOMATIC1111's stable-diffusion-webuiπŸ–ΌοΈ Image-based AI Diffusion SoftwareLink (opens in a new tab)
lllyasviel's ControlNetπŸ–ΌοΈ Image-based AI Diffusion Control SoftwareLink (opens in a new tab)
comfyanonymous's ComfyUIπŸ–ΌοΈ Image-based AI Diffusion Control SoftwareLink (opens in a new tab)
CiaraStrawberry's TemporalKitπŸ“½οΈ Video-based AI Diffusion & Synthesis SoftwareLink (opens in a new tab)
EbSynthπŸ“½οΈ Video-based AI Diffusion & Synthesis SoftwareLink (opens in a new tab)
RunwayπŸ“½οΈ Video-based AI Diffusion & Synthesis SoftwareLink (opens in a new tab)
ElevenlabsπŸ”Š Audio-based AI Synthesis SoftwareLink (opens in a new tab)

πŸ”‹ Compute Resources

Do you have a GPU and CPU? Try running or self-hosting this at home! If you're short power, you can find more below.

⚑ Power

db0's AI HordeFree AI Horde ComputeLink (opens in a new tab)
PetalsFree Distributed AI ComputeLink (opens in a new tab)
Runpod.ioRent-a-Server / GPULink (opens in a new tab)
Vast.aiRent-a-Server / GPULink (opens in a new tab)

🌐 Download

Models & LoRA's on Civitai🌐 Download Image Diffusion ModelsLink (opens in a new tab)
ElevenlabsπŸ”Š Access Synthesized Audio ModelsLink (opens in a new tab)

⏳ Install

How-to-InstallAUTOMATIC1111's stable-diffusion-webuiLink (opens in a new tab)
How-to-InstallEbSynth & CiaraStrawberry's TemporalKitLink (opens in a new tab)

πŸ“½οΈ A/V Synthesis Resources

These Free and Open-Source Software AI platforms provide the tools to run comprehensive image diffusion models on your individual servers, desktops, or laptops.

Each platform shares different advantages and stylizations. If you're unsure where to start, Stable Diffusion is a popular choice. Once you're acquainted with Stable Diffusion, you might want to venture into other platforms to broaden your exposure to video mediums and other image diffusion models and software.

Please note, the features and user experiences will vary across different platforms.

StableDiffusion (opens in a new tab)

Stable Diffusion is a text-to-image diffusion model capable of generating photo-realistic and stylized images. This is the free alternative to MidJourney. It is rumored that MidJourney originates from a version of Stable Diffusion that is highly modified, tuned, then made proprietary.

SDXL (opens in a new tab)

With Stable Diffusion XL (opens in a new tab), you can create descriptive images with shorter prompts and generate words within images. The model is a significant advancement in image generation capabilities, offering enhanced image composition and face generation that results in stunning visuals and realistic aesthetics.

ComfyUI (opens in a new tab)

A powerful and modular stable diffusion GUI and backend. This new and powerful ui will let you design and execute advanced stable diffusion pipelines using a graph/nodes/flowchart based interface.

ControlNet (opens in a new tab)

ControlNet is a neural network structure to control diffusion models by adding extra conditions. This is a very popular and powerful extension to add to AUTOMATIC111's stable-diffusion-webui.

TemporalKit (opens in a new tab)

An all in one solution for adding Temporal Stability to a Stable Diffusion Render via an automatic1111 extension. You must install FFMPEG to path before running this.

EbSynth (opens in a new tab)

Bring your paintings to animated life. This software can be used in conjunction with StableDiffusion + ControlNet + TemporalKit workflows.

WarpFusion (opens in a new tab)

A TemporalKit alternative to produce video effects and animation styling.

Elevenlabs (opens in a new tab)

Create lifelike voiceovers for your content or use our AI voice generator as an easy-to-use text reader.

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Then, run pnpm dev to start the development server and visit localhost:3000.

From here, you should be able to see the 'pages' folder, which contains all of the webpage content you see here (editable in simple markdown).